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الرئيسية \ دليل الشركات \ شركة الديوان للاستشارات الهندسية

شركة الديوان للاستشارات الهندسية

شركة الديوان للاستشارات الهندسية

اسم المسؤول:

الفروع: بغداد.

- البناء، الأشغال العامة / الهندسية

اتصل الآن

المنتجات والخدمات




AL DIWAN Engineering Consulting Company was established to cover the current and future needs for local design companies especially in the expected boom in the project and property markets and it became one of Iraq’s leading engineering consulting companies. Taha and Partners Group established AL DIWAN with the purpose of fulfilling the great need for qualified and professional engineering consultants in Iraq. Accordingly, AL DIWAN provides a broad range of engineering consulting services to clients in both private and public sectors. Our consultants are recognized as some of the best, most innovative and most technologically proficient consultants of Iraq. Due to its excellence AL DIWAN was able to secure some of the most rewarding projects in the rebuilding of Iraq.


We utilize solid engineering principles while responding to our clients’ needs. Yet, what really makes us stand out and shine is our passion. Through our passion a routine project is made into a work of art AL DIWAN excelled due to its commitment to quality project management and design from the start. Our clients’ highest expectation of design criteria, schedule and budget was always met in a professional and profitable manner. We believe that the combination of thorough preliminary research and value engineering techniques allows our clients and staff to develop successful, cost efficient projects. We are dedicated to stay proactive and encourage our clients to choose their projects carefully for we care for our clients and their interests are ours since it is a long term relationship what we strive for.

معلومات الاتصال

العراق - بغداد
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