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الرئيسية \ دليل الشركات \ شركة حدائق دجله للمقاولات والتجاره العامه

شركة حدائق دجله للمقاولات والتجاره العامه

شركة حدائق دجله للمقاولات والتجاره العامه

اسم المسؤول:

الفروع: بغداد.

- البناء، الأشغال العامة / الهندسية
- مقاولات / مقاولات بناء
- تجارة / عامة

اتصل الآن

المنتجات والخدمات




G. Dijla Contracting & General Trading


G. Dijla Contracting & General Trading was formed by Taha & Partners Group in 2004 to meet the demand and business potentials created by the reconstruction of Iraq. G. Dijla secured a start up line-of-credit of 15 million USD from the Credit- and Commercial Bank of Iraq which put G. Dijla in top position as one of the most qualified Iraqi companies to execute projects of major caliber with deferred payments. This great commencement provided the stimulus for G. Dijla to start working immediately; quickly winning various high-profile contracts with reputable organizations.


After the excellent start, we became one of the most reliable and flexible contracting companies in Iraq. All the contracts we have been awarded strengthened our excellent reputation. We accomplished various projects of all calibers in the past few years, including: the building of border forts, providing life support to the Iraqi Ministry of Defense and project construction and supplying electronic equipments to UNAMI. We allocated vast resources for the success of our company. We recruited the most talented, loyal and initiative managers and engineers of Iraq. Our management and engineers are both Iraqis and foreigners to ensure the highest quality service and work.


G. Dijla is committed to persistently raise the bar to ensure excellence and maintain the highest standards by implementing the latest cutting edge technology, staying a step ahead of our competition. Our top priority is not only to meet our customer’s satisfaction but to exceed it.

معلومات الاتصال

العراق - بغداد
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