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الرئيسية \ دليل الشركات \ شركة الخليج العامره للمقاولات العامه

شركة الخليج العامره للمقاولات العامه

شركة الخليج العامره للمقاولات العامه

اسم المسؤول:

الفروع: بغداد.

- مقاولات

اتصل الآن

المنتجات والخدمات




Our company, Thefaf al Rafidain, was named after the two great rivers; Tigris and Euphrates, which flow through the northern region in Iraq and up to the southern region. They meet at al-Basrah where they discharge into the Shatul-Arab canal, which connects with the head of the Arab Gulf.


Over thousands of years, the oldest and greatest civilization had flourished by the banks of these two rivers; the Mesopotamian civilization and its icons Babylonia, Sumer, and Akkad. These cities had represented historical icons and scientific platforms for their inhabitants over time, and the two rivers had been the backbone of the economic, political, and social life for ancient Iraq and modern Iraq as well; they have also been the point of departure of the civil life towards other people in the region and the world as a whole.


Thus, our company has derived its name from the spirit of bestowal and glory for the banks of these two great rivers.  


In the early 1990's, several projects have been executed and supervised by Eng. Nadhim Moloki Abboud at the national level in the republic of Iraq. Ultimately, the year 1998 witnessed the birth of GULF CONSTRUCTIVE AND THEFAF AL RAFIDAIN in al-Mutanabi district in Baghdad, Iraq.


Nowadays, the company is proud of having executed many projects in different fields in an attempt to contribute to the rebuilding process of Iraq.


Sister Companies

Our group consists of the following sister companies:


GULF CONSTRUCTIVE (parent company) for general contractive.

THEFAF AL RAFIDAIN (partner company) for general contractive.

THEFAF AL RAFIDAIN for mechanical and electrical works.

THEFAF AL RAFIDAIN for design and engineering consultations.

THEFAF AL RAFIDAIN for asphalting and roads works.

Providing solutions for the Iraqi's most sophisticated logistic, construction, and engineering challenges is the aspiration that we adopt for the future. This aspiration not only stimulates us to maintain our leading position in the Iraqi market but also makes us keen to extend our business to the neighboring countries in the Middle East region.


Our Vision

Our vision is to be on top of all the Iraqi's companies in terms of performance and deliverables and to hold a distinctive position in the fast growing national and regional contracting markets.


GULF CONSTRUCTIVE is a place where all international companies are warmly welcome to help us play critical roles in our country’s prosperous future.


Our Mission

Developing profitable business and providing high-quality performance that respects the assigned budget and schedule and adheres to the best safety procedures and practices in order to achieve the operational excellence for building a better future.


Our Core Services

Drawing on well-established project management systems and a wealth of expertise in project management, we are well-equipped to handle complete projects and sub-projects in the fields of infrastructure and transportation by utilizing our well-trained staff and heavy-duty equipments such as concrete truck mixers, gigantic pumps, graders, bulldozers, piles machines and excavators…etc.


We provide a big range of contracting services that include designing, constructing, and operating civil infrastructure projects including railways, highways, and water and wastewater facilities.

معلومات الاتصال

Al Mutanaby District – Al Mansour
Baghdad, IRAQ

Iraq +964 7901793548
Dubai +971 501269461
Amman +962 795313586


الحساب البريدي للشركة غير متوفر حالياً,
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