Iraqi Search

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تكنولوجيا الإتصالات [51]

سياحة، سفر [113]

الانترنت [29]

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مفروشات وأثاث [36]

خدمات [121]

سيارات [29]

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مراكز تسوق [26]

وسائل اعلامية [88]

شحن، تخليص [64]

الرئيسية \ دليل الشركات \ البناء، الأشغال العامة \ شركة سور دجله للسياحه والسفر

شركة سور دجله للسياحه والسفر

شركة سور دجله للسياحه والسفر

اسم المسؤول:

الفروع: بغداد.

- سياحة، سفر / شركات طيران

اتصل الآن

المنتجات والخدمات




Sur Dijla Travel & Tourism Company was established in 2005 with the objective of revitalizing the Iraqi tourism sector. As home to some of the world’s most prominent and impressive ancient civilizations, Iraq has tremendous potential of being a tourism powerhouse. Gradually, the security of Iraq has improved as the politics of the country have settled, ensuring that Iraq will soon be a safe country to visit. We believe that Taha & Partners Group's companies have an important role in the stabilization of Iraq, and Sur Dijla is one of the companies that will capitalize from the stability.

Despite present challenges, Sur Dijla was able to achieve impressive results with people already in Iraq; both foreigners and locals. People are tired of being locked in their homes and want to explore the rich history of this great country and Sur Dijla provides them that chance. The past few years gave Sur Dijla the chance to establish an excellent organizational foundation of exceptional managers, employees and guides. Sur Dijla’s employees have vast knowledge of Iraq and are passionate about their history which formed Sur Dijla Company to reach uniqueness and success in the tourism industry.

Sur Dijla is active in both national and international travel fields and due to its unmatched expertise it provides some of the best prices and services as one of the top travel agencies of Iraq. Sur Dijla has excellent customer relations and is dedicated to the worldwide promotion of Iraq’s past, present and future greatness.  

معلومات الاتصال

العراق- بغداد
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